施大畏,1950年生,浙江吴兴人。毕业于上海大学美术学院中国画系。现为上海中国画院执行院长、国家一级美术师、中国美术家协会副主席、中国美协中国画艺委会委员、上海美术家协会副主席、上海美协中国画艺委会主任、上海市文联委员、上海大学美术学院兼职教授。hi Dawei,the executive director of Shanghai Institute of Chinese Painting (SICP), was born in Shanghai in 1950. He graduated from the department of Chinese painting,School of Art, Shanghai University. Now, he is a national first grade artist,a member of the council, Chinese Artist Society (CAS), vice-chairman of Shanghai Artist Society (SAS), and a member of Shanghai Federation of Literary & Art Circles (SFLAC).